Source code for bittensor.core.chain_data.neuron_info

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional, TYPE_CHECKING

import bt_decode
import netaddr

from bittensor.core.chain_data.axon_info import AxonInfo
from bittensor.core.chain_data.prometheus_info import PrometheusInfo
from bittensor.core.chain_data.utils import decode_account_id, process_stake_data
from bittensor.utils import u16_normalized_float
from bittensor.utils.balance import Balance

# for annotation purposes
    from bittensor.core.chain_data.neuron_info_lite import NeuronInfoLite

[docs] @dataclass class NeuronInfo: """Represents the metadata of a neuron including keys, UID, stake, rankings, and other attributes. Attributes: hotkey (str): The hotkey associated with the neuron. coldkey (str): The coldkey associated with the neuron. uid (int): The unique identifier for the neuron. netuid (int): The network unique identifier for the neuron. active (int): The active status of the neuron. stake (Balance): The balance staked to this neuron. stake_dict (dict[str, Balance]): A dictionary mapping coldkey to the amount staked. total_stake (Balance): The total amount of stake. rank (float): The rank score of the neuron. emission (float): The emission rate. incentive (float): The incentive value. consensus (float): The consensus score. trust (float): The trust score. validator_trust (float): The validation trust score. dividends (float): The dividends value. last_update (int): The timestamp of the last update. validator_permit (bool): Validator permit status. weights (list[list[int]]): List of weights associated with the neuron. bonds (list[list[int]]): List of bonds associated with the neuron. pruning_score (int): The pruning score of the neuron. prometheus_info (Optional[PrometheusInfo]): Information related to Prometheus. axon_info (Optional[AxonInfo]): Information related to Axon. is_null (bool): Indicator if this is a null neuron. """ hotkey: str coldkey: str uid: int netuid: int active: int stake: "Balance" # mapping of coldkey to amount staked to this Neuron stake_dict: dict[str, "Balance"] total_stake: "Balance" rank: float emission: float incentive: float consensus: float trust: float validator_trust: float dividends: float last_update: int validator_permit: bool weights: list[list[int]] bonds: list[list[int]] pruning_score: int prometheus_info: Optional["PrometheusInfo"] = None axon_info: Optional["AxonInfo"] = None is_null: bool = False
[docs] @classmethod def from_weights_bonds_and_neuron_lite( cls, neuron_lite: "NeuronInfoLite", weights_as_dict: dict[int, list[tuple[int, int]]], bonds_as_dict: dict[int, list[tuple[int, int]]], ) -> "NeuronInfo": """ Creates an instance of NeuronInfo from NeuronInfoLite and dictionaries of weights and bonds. Args: neuron_lite (NeuronInfoLite): A lite version of the neuron containing basic attributes. weights_as_dict (dict[int, list[tuple[int, int]]]): A dictionary where the key is the UID and the value is a list of weight tuples associated with the neuron. bonds_as_dict (dict[int, list[tuple[int, int]]]): A dictionary where the key is the UID and the value is a list of bond tuples associated with the neuron. Returns: NeuronInfo: An instance of NeuronInfo populated with the provided weights and bonds. """ n_dict = neuron_lite.__dict__ n_dict["weights"] = weights_as_dict.get(neuron_lite.uid, []) n_dict["bonds"] = bonds_as_dict.get(neuron_lite.uid, []) return cls(**n_dict)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_null_neuron() -> "NeuronInfo": """Returns a null NeuronInfo instance.""" neuron = NeuronInfo( uid=0, netuid=0, active=0, stake=Balance.from_rao(0), stake_dict={}, total_stake=Balance.from_rao(0), rank=0, emission=0, incentive=0, consensus=0, trust=0, validator_trust=0, dividends=0, last_update=0, validator_permit=False, weights=[], bonds=[], prometheus_info=None, axon_info=None, is_null=True, coldkey="000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", hotkey="000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", pruning_score=0, ) return neuron
[docs] @classmethod def from_vec_u8(cls, vec_u8: bytes) -> "NeuronInfo": """Instantiates NeuronInfo from a byte vector.""" n = bt_decode.NeuronInfo.decode(bytes(vec_u8)) stake_dict = process_stake_data(n.stake) total_stake = sum(stake_dict.values()) if stake_dict else Balance(0) axon_info = n.axon_info coldkey = decode_account_id(n.coldkey) hotkey = decode_account_id(n.hotkey) return NeuronInfo( hotkey=hotkey, coldkey=coldkey, uid=n.uid, netuid=n.netuid,, stake=total_stake, stake_dict=stake_dict, total_stake=total_stake, rank=u16_normalized_float(n.rank), emission=n.emission / 1e9, incentive=u16_normalized_float(n.incentive), consensus=u16_normalized_float(n.consensus), trust=u16_normalized_float(, validator_trust=u16_normalized_float(n.validator_trust), dividends=u16_normalized_float(n.dividends), last_update=n.last_update, validator_permit=n.validator_permit, weights=[[e[0], e[1]] for e in n.weights], bonds=[[e[0], e[1]] for e in n.bonds], pruning_score=n.pruning_score, prometheus_info=PrometheusInfo( block=n.prometheus_info.block, version=n.prometheus_info.version, ip=str(netaddr.IPAddress(n.prometheus_info.ip)), port=n.prometheus_info.port, ip_type=n.prometheus_info.ip_type, ), axon_info=AxonInfo( version=axon_info.version, ip=str(netaddr.IPAddress(axon_info.ip)), port=axon_info.port, ip_type=axon_info.ip_type, placeholder1=axon_info.placeholder1, placeholder2=axon_info.placeholder2, protocol=axon_info.protocol, hotkey=hotkey, coldkey=coldkey, ), is_null=False, )